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KimDotCom (MegaUpload) Lança Musica "Cutucando" Governo Americano!

Bom Dia Pessoal tudo bem ?

Pois é hoje pela madrugada  KimDotCom mandou um Tweet para o Presidente Barak Obama dizendo para ele olhar um vídeo do YT vejam:

*Melhor Visualizado em 720p

Cara , sem palavras !

Só digo uma coisa :
"Keep this movement going"

Letra da musica:

"The war for the Internet has begun.
Hollywood is in control of politics.
The Government is killing innovation.
Don't let them get away with that.

I have a dream, like Dr. King,
this is the time to stand up and fight.

By any means, if we dont do anything,
they will just blame it on the copyright.

Keep this movement going.
Keep this movement tweeting.
Keep this movement moving.

The pursuit of happiness.
Happiness. Happiness. Happiness.
The pursuit of happiness.

Let's get together, lets all unite,
or they will do whatever they like.

Let's get together, lets all unite,
or they will do whatever they like.

What about free speech, Mr. President?
What happened to change, Mr. President?
Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President?
Are you going to fix this, Mr. President?

We must oppose, don't vote for those,
who want to take us back in time.

We must expose, the people who chose,
to turn innovation into crime.

Let's get together, lets all unite,
or they will do whatever they like.

Let's get together, lets all unite,
or they will do whatever they like.

What about free speech, Mr. President?
What happened to change, Mr. President?
Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President?
Are you going to fix this, Mr. President?

Hollywood marionettes,
taking over our Internet,
don't let them get away with that,
don't let them get away with that.

It starts with you and me
we will make history.

It starts with you and me
we will make history.

Let's get together, lets all unite,
or they will do whatever they like.

Let's get together, lets all unite,
or they will do whatever they like.

What about free speech, Mr. President?
What happened to change, Mr. President?
Are you pleading the fifth, Mr. President?
Are you going to fix this, Mr. President?

Keep sharing this song.
If you can't blog - tweet.
If you can't tweet - like.
But by all means - keep sharing.
But just this song :-)"



Abraços galera !

Keep Sharing! 

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